□ Hospital registration forms
□ Wallet with insurance card
□ Chocolates for the nurses - gifts
□ eyeglasses
□ slippers
□ underwear, [thick] socks, t-shirt
□ going home clothes (for mom)
□ baby going-home clothes
□ nightgown / bathrobe
□ nursing bras
□ nursing pads
□ Viacord package
□ Pediatrician contact info
□ light reading mags
□ notepad: gift record, etc / pens
□ baby book
□ pillow(s) – nice pillow w/colored pillowcase, neck pillow
□ snacks: teas, hot choc, granola bars, change for machine
□ deck of cards
□ hard candy/lollipop
□ toiletries: (toothbrush, toothpaste, deo, mouthwash, hairbrush, makeup, head band/elastics/barettes, lip balm, hair stuff, creams/lotions)
□ soft toilet paper
□ hair dryer
□ massage oil
□ ipod speaker + nano with calm music (+ CD)
□ knuckles
□ camera
□ camcorder
□ chargers: phone x2, ipod, camera, camcorder
□ extra bag for gifts and hospital supplies
□ stuffed animal for crib
□ prenatal vitamins
□ saline spray
□ carseat and bundle me