I got a crib from Target. And no, I did not see it before making the purchase, I just trusted it looked as good as it did online. Cribs are a fortune these days and I did not want to spend a thousand bucks on one. The crib I ended up with is this guy: DwellStudio® for Target®Silver Lake Convertible Crib 2nd Edition
I got this in the espresso wood/white color and then loved it so much got the same one for the house in the natural color as photoed and in the link above. By the way it looks yellow in that link...but it’s not. It’s just a natural wood color.
I love the drawers on the bottom and I love how it looks like the expensive cribs but was a fraction of the price. It was a GREAT value and easy to put together. I've now had this crib for 1.5 years and it's proven to remain in perfect condition (minus the teeth marks made by my animal of a son).
As for the mattress I opted for the Serta Nightstar Extra Firm Mattress which was the mattress that Target recommended go with the crib and the reviews were great. LM has been sleeping through the nights since 3 months old...so I can’t complain with my choices!
For bedding – I LOVE Giggle’s bedding. The sheets are SO soft and wash so well. They also stay fitted around the mattress. Other sheets I've bought have shrunk and end up in a ball when LM wakes up in the morning and I'm not really interested in making his bed every day!
Regarding crib skirts – I needed one when LM was born and the mattress was raised to the highest position (this is what you can do when they are babies so they are easy to reach and get in and out of the crib when feeding through the night). Once he grew out of this and we had to put the mattress all the way down – I didn’t need the skirt anymore. It was short lived but totally worth it because the crib looks ugly without one when the mattress is raised. I chose a fun monkey pattern since I'm obsessed with the lil creatures...
Sweet dreams!