I just had lunch with a good pal of mine who has a 10 week old little gal. She’s the cutest and is going to be my LM’s wife one day soon…we joke, but so hope...
Anyway, the two of us could gab for hours about the babies…and today started to talk about leaving her lil one with a sitter for the first time. I remembered so clearly how I felt when I used to leave LM. It used to rip my heart out to walk out the door…ESPECIALLY if he was crying. It was torture. PURE torture! But as soon as I would get out the door, into a cab and settled at my destination, I’d get a text from the sitter letting me know that everything was OK.
To me that was a sign of a great BS. When they let you know all is well before you even have to check in, you know that they are in tune with the obsession you have with your child and need some reassurance. This is incredible insight on BS’s part and something I always truly appreciate.
So I think one of the great tools for breaking away from baby, is your phone. Make sure you ask the BS to please send you updates via text or email and even a picture or two if your babe is being super cute. Makes for a relaxing and VERY much deserved evening out.
Another tip is if you are taking a date night with your partner (which I strongly urge you to do as much as humanly possible) then think locally. Go to a restaurant that is down the street or around the corner and tell BS that is they need you, you’re minutes away. Assure them that even if they just simply need help feeding the babe or putting her down, you could come right home to help. This will give you both piece of mind in case the babe is in need of mama.
It’s easier said then done, but try it once. I promise you – it’s worth it!