First things first, I went to my local nursery and spoke to someone about he right gear to buy. Very important…a rake and a shovel. My starter package also included 2 bags of compost and a box of fertilizer. My Uncle Steve gave me a few tips to get me going and advised me to start with tomato plants and some herbs. He told me to get a few pre-grown plants: beefsteak tomatoes for slicing and cooking, cherry tomatoes for LM to pick off and eat as they grow and I chose an orange heirloom tomato just for fun. I also picked up pre-grown dill, cilantro, basil and chives.
So here's what I did…I don't know if I did it 100% right so check back with me in a few months…haha.
Step 1:
Choose a bed for planting. You will need an area that gets sunlight for almost the entire day (till 4pm at least).
*Note this picture was taken at 5pm. Sun covered the bed of soil at 4pm.
Prime the soil (don't know if this is the right term - I just made it up, right now). I did this by raking aside all of the mulch until I got to the rich brown soil underneath.
Step 3:
Till the soil with the compost and fertilizer by simply mixing it all together with the soil in the ground.
Step 4:
Dig your holes and drop your plants…
I literally just dug up holes and made sure each was nicely lined with the natural soil, compost and fertilizer that I mixed together. For each hole I dropped in my plant, filled accordingly and made sure to spread each by at least 2 feet to avoid over crowding.
Step 5:
I put cages around each of the tomato plants so they would grow straight and tall and not fall over.
Step 6:
Took my son's little tike's watering can and gave each of the newly planted pants a good drink of water…I would have let the LM do it himself but he was napping. Think I could have done all of this with a toddler hanging off my leg? I think NOT! This watering can is FABULOUS for kids!
Step 7: TBC
I need to get chicken wire put up around this bed of plants to keep the animals away…I'm back in the city right now and have not yet done this…will be back out at the house on Tuesday…hope my little babies are OK! We'll have to see…will keep you posted!