When my sister was a baby she had a foo foo a term my mom made up and it's stuck around ever since. So when LM was born we had a close friend give us a gift which was a little blue blanket. It was a felty material on one side and a silky material on the other. She told me that I should sleep with the blanket for a few weeks before giving it to the LM so it would smell like me. I did just that and gave it to him around 4 months old. Well it was like a little piece of miracle fabric…every time he had it in hand he would instantly put his thumb in his mouth and calm. From that point on he was hooked…and so was I. We never left the house without the foo foo and I actually ordered a few extra to keep on hand…
As LM grew and got older and wiser he started playing a game where he'd throw the foo foo and cry till you picked it up. I quickly learned of these snap strings that they sell at buy buy baby which I attached to his car seat and stroller to avoid this sticky situation. Well guess what? He has now learned how to unsnap the foo foo from this gimicky string…
So yesterday we were having a fabulous day. We went to the park and had a lovely lunch at Shake Shack while enjoying the absolutely gorgeous weather. On the walk home the LM got a bit antsy to my surprise since he was well fed and it was nap time…and wanted out of the stroller. I went to pick him up and noticed - the foo foo was GONE. I frantically turned around to try and find it and I could not see it on the dirty streets of NYC anywhere. Normally this wouldn't be a huge issue because I would go home and pull out one of my extras…but over the past few months we had lost two and the one extra…was at the house, in the laundry. Oh My Lord I thought. I'm dead. DEAD!
We get home and I immediately call the company who makes this foo foo - comfort silkie. I ask if they can be found anywhere in NY. They say NO. I ask can they ship over night? They say YES. Thank you lord. So I ordered 4 to ship overnight and called back after placing the order online to ensure the package would ship…and got a tracking number.
As nervous as I was…we made it through the night without the foo foo but I'll tell you this…it was touch and go and god bless the comfort silkie package that arrived today because boy LM was happy to be reunited with his little friend…and so was I.
That's right…he wears it on his head as well as uses it to comfort his soul…hey, what can I tell ya?