So back in May when it was Mother's day…I received an email from one of the mom sites that I subscribe to regarding a promotion for a free session at this new place up town called Photo Op. I immediately called and was one of the first. So I got a free sitting and 2 prints. Not too shabby!
I strapped on LM and went up to this little store front which was easy to get to on the subway. One of the perks that they advertise is the clothing that they offer to dress your children in, mostly being from Crewcuts which I love! They had tons of great options for little girls, but not a whole lot for boys. And they weren't overly encouraging with the dressing up so I just went with the outfit I brought. I didn't plan that great and brought an outfit that was somewhat boring…though I did bring a tie to throw on just for fun. They snapped a few shots on site and then we walked across the street to the park to take some more. It was really nice and the two girls shooting were sweet. I had to do a lot of the work in getting the LM to laugh and pose and it wasn't easy, more work then I thought would be involved. But the shots turned out pretty nice. It only took a couple of days to receive my photos online. I went through all of them and then got in touch to order my free prints. I ordered a couple extras but not many as they are quite pricey…$40 a pop for 5x7. It was well worth the look on my husband and father in law's faces when I gave them their framed prints for father's day yesterday…they were excited to have updated, professional and adorable looking shots of the LM to put on their desks at work.
Check em out…442 Columbus Avenue
New York, NY 10024
(212) 362-1911