Hi there -
Welcome to my latest and greatest blog - little miss mother. That's me. I'm little and I'm a mother. And I'm wife to the most wonderful hubby in the whole wide world. I'm very lucky and here's why...
17 months ago on 10.22.09 my son LM (the lil man) was born. Out he came in 25 minutes and no more then 5 rounds of pushes with an epidural that didn't feel like it even worked...ouch. But worth every minute. He's the most beautiful boy I've ever seen. I'm not biased or anything...ha!
So I'm no expert or anything but do find that many of my friends ask me for insight and pick my brain about baby related topics so it made me think...why not blog about my daily adventures with the LM so I can keep track and let my friends in on my secrets as they need em!
Here we go...hope you enjoy the posts that are to follow.