There are several ways to prepare yourself for the arrival of your baby and as you will find throughout my blog, I’ll try to help guide you to the best of my knowledge.
As far as breastfeeding you can take a class (check to see if offered by your doctor’s office or hospital), read a book and/or do some research online (click here for my fave). However when you actually begin the journey, hold on!
Breastfeeding was no easy feat. And I never hesitated to ask for help. My husband was the most supportive, loving and helpful partner and I am truly blessed because I couldn’t have done it without him.
Breastfeeding did however became more manageable for me once I found the Breast Feeding Doctor Mona Gabbay through a friend’s recommendation. She’s a warm and knowledgeable woman who will come to your home, give you an exam and set you up with the best possible solutions to ease your pain or help you overcome any issues you may be having.
Since my supply was so low I had to pump two hours after every feeding to help increase my milk. I had no life for the first six weeks of giving birth. But I was determined to use the boobs G-d gave me to feed my child so I wouldn't give up. I found the Medela Freestyle Pump worked best and I loved being able to walk around and pump hands free. How did I do this you ask? Well I would wear a pumping bra (so attractive) and a large hoodie sweatshirt that had pockets in it. I'd place the pump contraption (which is small) into the pocket and go about my biz. I pumped all of my milk right into the Medela bottles that the set came with and just simply used those bottles to feed LM when we needed to top him off after nursing. They worked just great and he had no nipple confusion at all.
I fulfilled my goal and breast fed for 6 months. At that time I weened LM off the boob and started to give him Similac Organic out of Born Free bottles which were great because they prevent lil ones from getting gassy and were pretty easy to clean (and dishwasher safe).
Breastfeeding did however became more manageable for me once I found the Breast Feeding Doctor Mona Gabbay through a friend’s recommendation. She’s a warm and knowledgeable woman who will come to your home, give you an exam and set you up with the best possible solutions to ease your pain or help you overcome any issues you may be having.
Since my supply was so low I had to pump two hours after every feeding to help increase my milk. I had no life for the first six weeks of giving birth. But I was determined to use the boobs G-d gave me to feed my child so I wouldn't give up. I found the Medela Freestyle Pump worked best and I loved being able to walk around and pump hands free. How did I do this you ask? Well I would wear a pumping bra (so attractive) and a large hoodie sweatshirt that had pockets in it. I'd place the pump contraption (which is small) into the pocket and go about my biz. I pumped all of my milk right into the Medela bottles that the set came with and just simply used those bottles to feed LM when we needed to top him off after nursing. They worked just great and he had no nipple confusion at all.
I fulfilled my goal and breast fed for 6 months. At that time I weened LM off the boob and started to give him Similac Organic out of Born Free bottles which were great because they prevent lil ones from getting gassy and were pretty easy to clean (and dishwasher safe).
A final word from one mother to another…your baby has to eat. So if your milk comes by really easy for you, congratulations! But if it doesn’t, just do your best and your baby will greatly benefit from whatever supply you do have. Be sure to stay calm and relaxed, drink loads of water and eat a balanced diet and you will prevail. And for the unspeakable pain...I found the best solution when I was between nursing/pumping was frozen peas and carrots...that's it, directly onto the source.
Doctor Mona Gabbay