A close friend of mine emailed me last year a few months before she was due with her lil gal and asked the following...
Hello Mama -
I need your help. As I begin to compile a list of items (big and small) that I will be needing for the baby, I realize the overwhelming amount of choices out there. So, I'm hoping you can point me in the right direction in terms of brands and items that have proven their worth and even a few to stay away from. Do you mind just listing your fave thing(s) that saved you those first few weeks and beyond?
This was a great opportunity for me to write out everything that I found useful when first having the LM at home. This list is a doozy but worth taking a read through if you're expecting or have a newborn.
Here we go - ready?!
Registry: For your friends and family who are going to want to shower you with gifts, it's important to register so they can buy you stuff that you NEED! I found that many people bought me several gifts that became useless very quickly so it’s really great to give people the option to buy off your registry instead of guessing what you’ll like. For example I have about 10 thousand blankets, towels and stuffed animals. Of course its the thought that counts but when you have a baby it’s nice to get stuff that you NEED and will USE! SO – this is the registry check list that I followed – it’s AMAZING! Recommends the best brands and gives tips!! I loved this Stroller Traffic registry check list. I also signed up to this Stroller Traffic website and to date still get emails daily that I find interesting and very useful. Note: your registry will also come in very handy for the guests that are invited to your shower if you have one.
Have on hand for baby's arrival:
change table – make sure to get a pad and pad cover. You would think the change table comes with these things, but they don't. Here is what I got – and specifically love the covers (I bought extra for when the baby poops and gets all over the place – you want extras on hand)!
Clothes – here’s what you need:
Sleepers with zippers (makes it SO much easier to change diapers in the middle of the night)! I got mine at the children’s place. They wash well and are super cheap. Buy a couple “up to 7 pounds” and don’t wash till the baby is born – if your baby is born over 7 pounds then you can return. IF you have a peanut like we did then you will need these! Now don’t buy a ton in this size b/c they’ll grow out of it in about 2 weeks! So also buy 0-3 and you’ll be all set. Baby Gap also has fabulous sleepers and bodysuits which your baby will live in!

One more suggestion for sleeping...night gowns. Sounds totally girly (so obviously great if you do have a girl) but also for boys these are a dream! When You’re feeding every 3 hours and constantly changing wet diapers...these are the BEST! No fussing and they are super comfy! I found this place online and LOVE the quality – super soft and wash great! I ordered 2 in what I think are unisex colors – yellow and orange: New For Baby. Here's LM in his orange gown...with the monkey his uncle gave to him...which he loves! A personalized blanket that had meaning and will be a keepsake LM will have forever. 
Moving along - invest in some basic onesie long sleeve and short sleeve shirts from Carters. I bought plain white which carried me through 2 months with LM and I ended up putting them under everything since he was born in October when the weather was cooling down.
PANTS. Who knew you’d need so many pants?! On day 3 of LM's life my hubby had to run out to buy him pants...we just didn’t have any that really fit him! We found that Babies R Us had the best selection for a newborn. We bought Carters and Gerber from there.
Socks: Invest in a package of newborn socks – they sell really tiny ones that are great for babies at Babies R Us.
This is where I would STOP and do not buy any more clothes. You will get TONS of clothes as gifts...TONS! People LOVE buying baby clothes. So make sure for everything YOU buy you keep receipts in case you need to return. Once you’re about 2 weeks in you’ll have rec’d several gifts and you’ll then know which clothes you are missing so you can go and buy more if you need to.
***NOTE: For washing the baby clothes – I suggest using Dreft. It smells fantastic and ensures a soft wash for your baby's clothes. Also buy a stain remover for babies. Especially if you end up using formula to feed your baby, it STAINS! I really like this brand from Giggle: 
Burp clothes and bibs: You will need a few of these to get you started. You will receive these as gifts. We have about 8 million now! The best bibs for infants are actually at American Apparel. They are tiny and fit perfectly for newborns. As for the burp clothes – you can use any brand. I got a package from Giggle that I used every day. And the hospital will let you take receiving blankets – take as many as you can because these also make great burp clothes – I also used for a long time.
~ diapers: I use Pampers swaddlers. I think they are the best. A lot of the moms I met use organic eco friendly diapers – they did not work for us. Actually they gave LM very bad TR (tushie rash). Because there is no drying agent in these diapers babies bottoms can be more prone to irritation in the organic diapers - that's what I found from LM's situation as well as other mom's I spoke to. Stick to the brand who knows what they are doing. There are plenty of other ways to save the environment, I promise. Get yourself one box of newborn size to start – you may grow out of these in a week or 2! I'm obsessed with Diapers.com. They ship overnight and for free! And they have everything you could ever imagine on their site - as well as a new sister company called Soap.com for beauty and health products. Pretty unreal.
~ Wipes: I use Pampers sensitive. Have had no issues with these. Buy some travel packages as well – once you start going out with the babe these are key!
~ Aquaphor: if your baby gets dry skin – you use a little of this on their chapped areas. You can also use if YOU have chapped lips – my hubby and I bought an extra bottle for ourselves and use every day now...we also have travel sizes for our jackets...we’re obsessed...its’ better then Vaseline. I swear by it!
~ Rubbing alcohol and cotton pads: you’ll use this around the belly button until the umbilical cord falls off.
~ Triple paste: For TR. The best. I've also tried Aveeno baby and also found very effective.
~ Johnsons head to toe: buy this in a pump bottle. This is your one stop shop for bathing!
~ Johnsons bed time lotion: I love putting this on LM after his bath. It smells great and I’m convinced it relaxes him.
~ Baby oil: we use this very little but do rub a tiny bit in LM's hair sometimes when his scalp gets dry after a bath...
~ Baby manicure set: you will ONLY file the babies nails for a long while. We actually invested in an electric file b/c it’s SO hard to file their nails! This thing is awesome!
~ Safety kit: I bought this from Giggle – keep on hand in the change table.
Bottle drying rack: This is the one that I got and LOVE it!
And when we bought our summer house...I found this one...so adorable!
Antibacterial soap for all sinks and a few bottles of purell pumps.
Boppy: A MUST for breastfeeding and when holding the baby...any brand works here! Really doesn’t matter! I got the “boppy” brand! You can also put your baby in this to rest – like LM here...
Pump: This is the pump I bought and have had great success with it! Medela Freestyle. I also bought a special bra to use because this pump comes with hands free equipment but I don’t find that they work very well so this bra allowed me to pump and be hands free - Easy Expressions. Nursing cover: In case you want to nurse and you don’t want people to see your boobs...actually this is perfect for your registry! bouncer: Actually I didn’t have one of these but should have! Fisherprice Rainforest is the best. I got the Fisherprice aquarium swing which comes in handy when they get a bit bigger and I use it all the time now...but the swing should go on your registry!
Towel and washcloth: You’ll need a few of each BUT you will be getting these as gifts. So I wouldn’t buy these too early...if you don’t get as gifts then buy a few of each to have when baby comes home...
Car seat: We got the Graco snug N Ride – love it! And we got a head rest for his little peanut head to go in it.
Bottles: So as for bottles, we took a TON from the hospital and the Medela pump came with bottles so we didn’t feel the need to use anything else. Not to mention LM was mostly breastfed. When LM was done with breast milk we moved onto Born Free bottles for formula feeding. They were fantastic. Make sure you buy the slow flow to start out, and update the nipples as your baby grows (they are clearly labeled by age on the front of the packages). It may take you a few types of bottles and/or nipples to determine what your baby is comfortable with, so don't over buy. Just pick up one or 2 of each and give them a try. Then you can always return or buy more as needed.
Gown: Totally NOT necessary but I was SO happy I got one! I ordered my own gown for the hospital from a place called baby be mine maternity. Made for adorable pictures and I felt super comfortable being in my own scrubs! 4.) Things to do before baby:
~ take a labor class
~ take a breastfeeding class
~ take a baby care class
~ CPR for infants class – you can take it before or after baby is born.
~ take a tour of your hospital (and make sure all hospital forms are taken care of so you are in their system when you check in for labor)
~ interview pediatricians and confirm one for your baby’s arrival (ours came to the hospital to check LM when he was born)
~ choose your birth announcements and thank you cards (one for boy and one for girl) so you don’t have to stress about this once baby is born.
Is this enough info to make your head spin? I have only listed the immediates! Everything else should go on your registry (refer to link above for this complete list).
Hope you find this information some what useful. I will continue to post most lists such as what to have in your diaper bag, stroller and travel check lists. I always find these lists to be super helpful so maybe you will too! Stay tuned...