My biggest concern was the car seat. Have you ever traveled with a Britax toddler car seat? It's a beast. And when going to Mexico for 5 days it's kinda hard to pack light. So the thought of traveling with 2 heavy suitcases, 2 carry on's a diaper bag AND a car seat was making me break into sweats...
So I paid Buy Buy Baby a visit to see what my options were. My goal - was to leave the car seat in the car at home...where it belongs!
I came across a little chachka called Kids Fly Safe. It's a special contraption made to strap kids to the seat on an airplane which is FAA approved and got rave reviews. I Or was it? Is LM going to sit down and let us strap him into this? Is he going to think he's in a big kid seat so he can just squirm out and run off? Is the car seat more comfortable? I couldn't sleep a wink the night before the trip because I was so nervous about leaving the car seat and traveling with this tiny strap...
Well you'd never believe it...but this belt was the most brilliant item I've bought for LM to date. I think he LOVED being in a big boy seat and didn't try to get out of it once! He slept on 2 legs of the trip for 3 hours straight (to and from!!) and for the rest of the time when he was up ate Cheerios, watched Sesame Street on the Ipad (a godsend) and was a perfect angel.
I can honestly tell you - this was our best travel experience to date, and it was no easy feet.
I highly suggest this special belt if you're buying your child a seat on an airplane and don't want to travel with your beast of a car seat.
Kids Fly Safe - sold at Buy Buy Baby