Thursday, April 21, 2011

Spring time cherry blossoms

As you may know from my recent postings, I love cherry blossoms.  For the spring fling party that I was having tomorrow night I decided to use cherry blossoms as my main back drop + centerpiece.  They are branchy tall and pink which was one of my theme's colors.  They also...make a huge mess.  No joke!  But that's ok, I still love them.
Anyway, I had placed an order at my favorite spot for flowers on 28th street earlier in the week while there getting white arrangements for Passover.  I ordered one bundle amateurly thinking that this was normal.  Well, guess what one bundle was?  That's right, this forest you see here laid out in my guest bath...
It took me a good hour to weed through this beast of a bundle but once I did...boy did they look good!  For more details on the set up and final outcome of the cherry blossoms for the spring fling party click here!